Vernissage: Hinter geschlossenen Augenlidern

Bilder und Tonköpfe von Wera Grzes und Regi­na Eichen­berg­er

Fr. 28. Okto­ber 18–21 Uhr, Vernissage ab 18 Uhr
Sa. 29. Okto­ber 14–18 Uhr
So. 30. Okto­ber 14–18 Uhr

Regina Eichenberger

aus Bern
find­et über ver­schiedene Medi­en Aus­druck:
über Malen, Zeich­nen, Gestal­ten, Tanz oder Schrift.

Weronika Grzes, Wera Grzes (*1996 in Poznań) painter, graphic artist, poet.

She is fas­ci­nat­ed by the alchemies of image, col­or and line. She is fond of trav­els, big and small, phys­i­cal and metaphor­i­cal. Her recent work explores the rela­tion­ship between fig­u­ra­tion and abstrac­tion, between image and word, plane and space. She is inter­est­ed in the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of women and seeks new approach­es to por­trai­ture. She reflects on the mean­ing of the face and por­trait in visu­al arts, pay­ing par­tic­u­lar atten­tion to female por­trai­ture. She grad­u­at­ed from the Acad­e­my of Fine Arts in Gdan­sk and this year She com­plet­ed her Master’s degree in Con­tem­po­rary Art Prac­tice at the Hochschule der Kün­ste in Bern, Switzer­land.

Past pre­sen­ta­tions and projects: Inter­laced, Biel/Bienne (CH), Lizards and Sala­man­ders, Bern (CH) (2022); gARTen Por­to (PT), Bern (CH), Valen­cia (ES), Gdy­nia (PL) (2020–2021).


Fr.., 28. Okt.. 2022


18:00 - 21:00


Werkhof Egelsee
Muristrasse 21E, 3006 Bern