Ausstellung: Hinter geschlossenen Augenlidern
Bilder und Tonköpfe von Wera Grzes und Regina Eichenberger
Fr. 28. Oktober 18–21 Uhr, Vernissage ab 18 Uhr
Sa. 29. Oktober 14–18 Uhr
So. 30. Oktober 14–18 Uhr
Regina Eichenberger
aus Bern
findet über verschiedene Medien Ausdruck:
über Malen, Zeichnen, Gestalten, Tanz oder Schrift.
Weronika Grzes, Wera Grzes (*1996 in Poznań) painter, graphic artist, poet.
She is fascinated by the alchemies of image, color and line. She is fond of travels, big and small, physical and metaphorical. Her recent work explores the relationship between figuration and abstraction, between image and word, plane and space. She is interested in the representation of women and seeks new approaches to portraiture. She reflects on the meaning of the face and portrait in visual arts, paying particular attention to female portraiture. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk and this year She completed her Master’s degree in Contemporary Art Practice at the Hochschule der Künste in Bern, Switzerland.
Past presentations and projects: Interlaced, Biel/Bienne (CH), Lizards and Salamanders, Bern (CH) (2022); gARTen Porto (PT), Bern (CH), Valencia (ES), Gdynia (PL) (2020–2021).